Bizarre Birds of the World $365 / $315 with discount
With over 10,000 bird species in the world, there are some extreme examples that stretch our understanding of what it means to be a bird. This entertaining and educational program features extreme examples of birds and bird biology. Video streams from YouTube are presented (in ZOOM and other online format there can be sporadic A/V hiccups. Overall, clients report these as a minor inconvenience and still give this program high marks). Examples include the Hoatzin, Kakapo, Oilbird, Standard Wing Nightjar, and more. Ratings (12)
Breeding Season Backyard Birds $365 / $300 with discount
(Revised from the original Backyard Birds presentation with different birds from the Winter Backyard Birds presentation.) This is an engaging and interactive presentation featuring common and likely breeding season birds to any backyard in New England. This presentation offers ID tips, including learning a few birds by their song. Tips on feeding birds to attract the most diversity are also provided. Set up as a bird-quiz, audience members love to test their own knowledge. (see BEST VALUE OFFER) Ratings (28)
Franconia Breeding Bird Survey $365 / $315 with discount
Presentation documenting my coverage of NH's Franconia Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) since 2011. Learn about the US BBS, a roadside survey conducted across the US and Canada. It is a primary source of data on breeding bird populations in North America. The Franconia BBS route begins at the base of Cannon Mt. ski area and winds westward through Franconia, southward through Easton, eastward through Woodstock, and ending in Lincoln. This presentation showcases mountain and meadow scenery, as well as the birds in their fine breeding plumage. (see BEST VALUE OFFER) Ratings (2)
Slideshow presentations are offered for unlimited audience sizes to clubs, historical societies, schools, libraries, senior-living facilities, hotels, resorts, and more. All slideshow presentations are timed for 45min-50min duration. Questions and answers after the presentation are welcomed and encouraged. I will stay until your group's last question is answered. Travel distances greater than 30 miles may incur additional travel or accommodations surcharge (Contact me for quote). You can find presentation reviews below. Request a Presentation
$50 Discount on Slideshow Presentations for Public and Town Libraries, Historical Societies, Schools, and non-profit clubs.
Best Value Offer - Make your presentation a Talk-and-Walk - Add a same-day 2-hour group Bird Walk or Guided Hike for unlimited number of your guests for $275 (normally $350).
>> Co-hosting by more than one organization is possible. If your organization typically has small audiences, you can combine to co-host with other organizations in order to reduce the cost per each organization. The cost for co-hosting presentations is calculated as the regular cost for the Prime Host plus an additional $125 per additional co-hosting organization. Each organization can then invite their full respective memberships to participate.
Birds of Bretton Woods $365 / $315 with discount
Presentation of common, uncommon, and rare birds breeding in the Bretton Woods region of New Hampshire. This presentation showcases birds breeding on the grounds of the historic Mt. Washington Hotel, including the hotel, the golf course, the vast recreational trail network, and up the majestic western slope of Mt. Washington itself. This virtual tour showcases the mergansers, hummingbirds, swifts, swallows, and woodland bird species, including the endemic Bicknell's Thrush. This presentation is set up as a bird quiz to allow you to test your bird ID skills, with ID tips ready to assist. (see BEST VALUE OFFER)
Birding without Binoculars - $365 / $300 with discount
Many fantastic birds in our region can be readily identified without binoculars. This presentation will help to confidently identify some New England birds using critical cues like habitat and behavior. Of course, some bold birds, like gulls, approach closely to provide detailed observations without binoculars. We will cover birds to readily ID like cormorants, vultures, egrets, gulls and more (see BEST VALUE OFFER) Ratings (4)
Redline Hiking in the White Mountains $365 / $315 with discount
Presentation documenting my personal journey as a Redline Hiker in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Redline Hiking is the goal to hike all the miles of trails on the map (denoted often as redlines) of some large area (in this case the 1,440 miles of trails in the White Mountains of NH and ME). Here I showcase and storytell some of my interesting trail encounters with wildlife, wildflowers, and wild scenery. Ratings (4)
Hawks and Hawk Watching $365 / $315 with discount
Presentation of the region’s vultures, hawks, eagles, and falcons that can be regularly observed on Fall migration. High quality images of each species in flight, as they might appear passing by or overhead at a favorite hawk watch location are provided. Technical tips on species shape, coloration, and behavior are provided to boost your own ability to ID these fabulous birds. Migration-timing data for some regional sites will be presented for different species so you can know when to expect certain species. An introduction to some regional hawk watch sites is given along with information on how to participate. Ratings (4)
Discoveries in Bird Migration $365 / $315 with discount
The history of discoveries in bird migration reveals the role of creativity and ingenuity in science. Through elegant and clever experiments scientists uncover amazing capabilities that birds possess to undertake what is arguably one of the greatest natural spectacles on Earth ... the massive and synchronous movement of billions of birds from one region of the globe to another. This presentation highlights several especially beautiful scientific approaches to unlocking the secrets of bird orientation, navigation, and travel. Ratings (3)
Birdscaping Your Backyard - $365 / $300 with discount
Step up your game and attract more birds and more species of birds to your backyard. This presentation reviews various feeder types, food types, and the importance of natural live and dead cover for birds. Diversifying your backyard with food, cover and water will have the birds in your yard ... and not your neighbor's yard. (see BEST VALUE OFFER)
Getting Started with Birdwatching - $365 / $300 with discount
This presentation was created in response to the questions received from guests of other presentations (see below). Less about the birds, this presentation provides valuable pointers, tips, and shortcuts for an interested person to quickly get the most out of birding and to become a skilled birder. Topics covered include binocular selection, field guide options (and how to use efficiently), best approaches to finding birds (where, when and how), and recommendations to heighten fun and lessen frustration (see BEST VALUE OFFER) Ratings (7)
Birds of Hawaii - New $365 / $300 with discount
Warm up with the birds of the 5 major Hawaiian Islands. This presentation contains a balance of Hawaii's special native and endemic birds and it's common introduced birds. This presentation has something for birders and for those who might visit for vacation or cruise and want to know the birds likely to be found in Hawaii. Albatross, frigatebirds, parakeets, as well as some of the colorful finches are featured in this presentation.
Birds of the White Mountains $365 / $315 with discount
Presentation designed as a virtual tour on a regular hiking trail in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The virtual tour documents both common and uncommon birds beginning in the low lying valleys with intermittent streams, ponds, and wetlands within a setting of northern hardwoods forest. The tour progresses through mixed forest with increasing fir and spruce community birds until reaching the uppermost boreal forest zone, which hosts a distinctive assemblage of birds reserved for the most hearty hikers. This presentation is also set up as a bird quiz to allow you to test your bird ID skills, with pointers readily available for assistance. (see BEST VALUE OFFER) Ratings (3)
Winter Backyard Birds $365 / $315 with discount
Winter Backyard Birds was created in the same interactive, bird-quiz format as the very popular Backyard Birds presentation. These programs enable the audience to test their own knowledge. ID tips are offered for identifying common and not-so-common Winter birds frequenting the backyards in your area. Advice on attracting and feeding birds will be provided. Introduction to the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count and how to participate is included. Ratings (19)
Starting in November 2024